Place your item list ad for FREE for 30 day periods. You don't pay your transaction fee until your item
sells. All dealers and sellers can list their items here for a 15% fee to our O'Carroll International Online Auction. We
take items on a 30 day bid, with item going to the highest bidder. Sellers are allowed to set a minimum bid. Items for
sale do not have to be antiques but must be of value and in good to excellent condition. Collectors can sell their collections
here. The transaction fee of 15% of sale must be paid to O'Carroll International Auction before release of the payment
to the seller or item to the buyer. We take cash or money order or wire transfer.
Bids are taken on the form at the bottom of the page. You must list the stock number of the item you are bidding
on. The date of the opening for bid will be listed along with the description of the item. You have 30 days to bid on
this item. If it does not sell it will be relisted unless otherwise specified. Be sure and note the opening bid amount or
minimal bid amount before placing your bid. Some items will go soley on the highest bid with no minimum.
The date of close for the item and payment will be within 7 working days of each other. If the money or monies
is not recieved, the item will go back on the bid block at the descretion of the owner.
*O'Carroll International Online Auction is not responsible for the condition of items, these must be verified through
the seller and buyer. O'Carroll doesn't guarantee products unless they are from our personal stock. List your item
with us today. It's free to list, if the product does not sell you can send in an email to remove it from the bid block anytime
after the 30 day auction period. You only pay the 15% transaction fee if your item sells!! All Checks are made payable to
O' Carroll International Online Auction.
The highest bid prices listed for the week are posted on each Friday of that 30 day period. Once bidding is closed, an
item is bought, the item is then pulled from our list.