You can donate cash, check or money order and specify it is for Historical Research-Carroll-O'Carroll fund.
You can donate items of interest that have been preserved in our family lines, and recieve a gold plated tag
attached to the housing of these items that states your name and donation.
You can contact us for pickup or shipping of large items that would be housed in thefuture family museum.
You will need to send a short statement that your intentions are to donate to the Carroll-O'Carroll historical Research
Our intention is to open a museum that will house all donated items, as well as use these items in any family documentaries,
on the stove cooking , so to speak.
Some items will be housed in the Carroll Castle in Ireland after purchase is secured.
Always you will have your name attached for recognition as the donor to any items you donate.
Once donated all items become the property of the Carroll-O'Carroll Historical Research Institute.
Click on the payment link below to donate or for membeship. Please specify.
You can join as a Founder for a $100 lifetime membership.
What a blessing to be part of such a wonderful and historical family that has seen the scope of Irish and American History
as we have.
Mary Carroll-Bower, Founder, Carroll-O'Carroll Historical Research Foundation and Fund.